Daily Steals - it's like stealing, only without prison

on 7:42 AM

Master Thief reformed from his life of crime and decided to open an electronics store. But there are still genuine thieves out there and we wanted to show you why it's better to chose Daily Steals' crazy deals over a life of crime.

1. Because of crazy security systems like smart door that do not open:

2.Because they don't build ceilings like they used to:

3. Because the big brother is watching:

4. Because you will not appreciate yourself after a while:

5. Because they clean those doors so good!

6. Because of Master Thief:

Master Thief has worked hard to give people good deals and cheap electronics without any actual stealing any more, and if he won't let himself steal, he won't let you steal either. On the bright side, this means you can take advantage of his online deals - it's like stealing, only without the illegality and ten years in prison.


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